My Beloved Passing Fair

My beloved passing fair.
Love has drawn your likeness see
In your inmost heart and there;
Lost or straying unaware;
You must seek yourself in Me.

Well I know that you shall find;
this your image im My heart,
Pictured to the life with art,
So amazing that your mind,
Sees your very counterpart.

If by chance you e'er shall doubt
where to turn in searh of Me;
Seek not all the world about;
Only this can find Me out,
You must seek Myself in you.

In the mansion of your mind is 
My dwelling place and more,
There I wander unconfined, 
Knocking loud if e'er I find
In your thought a closed door.

Search for Me without were vain,
Since when you have need of Me,
Only call Me, and again to your side
I haste a-main.
You must seek Myself in you.


Lyrics: St. Teresa of Avila (Tr. A. Stirling) 
Music: Carmel of Jesus, Mary & Joseph, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, West Malaysia.

Poem by St. Teresa where she pictures god addressing a person, calling him/her ‘my Beloved’ and making it clear to us where we can find Him…..not outside of us but to look for Him within ourselves. “When you have need of Me, only call Me and to your side I haste; You must seek Me in you.”

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