Sr. Catherine of the Precious Blood O.C.D. RIP

Sr. Catherine of the Precious Blood O.C.D.
Born: 25th November 1937
Called to the Lord: 6th March 2017
Entrance to Carmel: 24th April 1966
Clothing Ceremony: 11th December 1966
1st. Profession: 12th December 1967
Solemn Profession: 12th December 1970
Dear Sr. Catherine,
We would like to express our gratitude to you for being our Prioress, Infirmarian, Formator and most of all a Sister in community. From the beginning of our foundation in 1982 you have worked tirelessly together with the late Sr. Teresa Margaret to fulfil the wish of the late Tan Sri Archbishop Dominic Vendargon, that is to have a power house of prayer for his Archdiocese.
After our inauguration of the Monastery on 17th. October, 1982 you were elected the first Prioress and from then on you were like a superwoman, having to take on the various offices of Sacristan, Storekeeper, Infirmarian, Kitchen cleaning etc. You were an expert in baking Altar Bread and did not stop till 70 years of age when you fell and fractured your arm. Still you remained active and continued to be a Turn sister which means listening patiently to people who come to ask for prayers.
As Prioress you listened to the problems and spiritual needs of each sister with an understanding heart, helping us to take our problems and difficulties to the Lord. Whenever help was requested from you, you were always obliging to give your service with a cheerful heart. Your smile was contagious. All the lessons, motherly advice and guidance, the story telling and words of wisdom shared, will always be remembered. Thank you for using your gifts and talents to serve the community.
Towards the end of your earthly sojourn, you showed us the courage to carry the cross of sickness with patient endurance, accepting pain and suffering in union with Our Suffering Lord. Despite your great suffering and pain you did not complain but bore them up courageously. This is an example for us. Even the doctor and hospital staff were edified by your acceptance of all that you had to endure.
We were planning to celebrate your Golden Jubilee of Profession and 80th. Birthday as soon as you recover. However you saw it fit to celebrate it in heaven. We wish you a happy and blessed Golden Jubilee with the Blessed Trinity.
We now ask you to pray and intercede for us to have more young vocations to take your place.
May you now enjoy the company of Our Lord and rest in His Peace. Continue to pray for us till we meet again in the Father’s Home.
Your loving sisters