The Birth of Christ

Lyrics: St. John of the Cross
Music: Unknown

When the ancient dispensation its predestined course had run
Straight from out His bridal chamber came the Bridegroom, God the Son

Once on earth with arms extended He embraced His heavenly bride,
And His Blessed Mother laid Him in the manger at her side

All around that helpless baby animals were standing by;
Men sang songs of glad rejoicing, angels joined their song on high.

Celebrating the betrothal "twixt the Bridegroom and the bride
While the Almighty in the manger, as an infant wept and cried.

Gems these tears which human nature brought to the betrothal rite,
And the maid was lost in wonder as she witnessed such a sight.

Man was full of joy and gladness, God was weeping weak and lone;
Ne'er before throughout the ages had so strange a thing be known.

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