Sr. Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart O.C.D. RIP

Sr. Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart O.C.D.
Born: 23rd June 1938
Called to the Lord: 17th August 2016
Entry to Carmel: 1957
Clothing: 17th April 1958
1st Profession: 7th May 1959
Solemn Profession: 7th May 1962
Golden Jubilee: 7th May 2012
Sr. Teresa Margaret, one of our sisters in community, passed away very silently in her sleep at about 5.15a.m. on the 17th of August 2016 . She was one of the two Malaysian sisters who started the Carmelite Monastery in Malaysia, Mantin.
When she saw the need to move from Mantin, she was the one who was responsible for planning and seeing to the building of a proper Carmelite Monastery in Seremban. As Prioress, she spent many years seeing to the material and spiritual needs of her sisters in community and as Novice Mistress for an equal number of years, was responsible for the formation of many of the sisters both in Singapore and Malaysia.
Sister started the OCDS in Malaysia being responsible for their formation till they were able to be responsible for their own formation. She was a friend to countless people through her correspondence and at the "Turn" when they asked for prayers. Generously Sr. Teresa Margaret shared much spiritual material through her many writings for anyone interested.
We, the community are grateful to God for having had her with us for all these years ...... she, who so faithfully, lovingly and zealously lived her life before God. We miss her very much.
Carmelite Sisters, Seremban.
Why did I become a Carmelite nun?
One day, when I walked into the library of the Bukit Nanas Convent School, I saw a small paper cutting on one of the tables. The title caught my eye. It was a prayer to be said after receiving Holy Communion, and it was a prayer for union with Jesus. I asked Sister Canice, an Irish Sister in charge of the library, if I could have the prayer. She readily gave it to me. I was in Form Three at that time. From then on I used to say this prayer after I received Holy Communion. Following my parents’ good example, I had formed the habit of attending Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion daily whenever I could. Hence I said this prayer very frequently. And I think that the desire for union with Jesus grew stronger and stronger in me.... continue